
Tanya Orozco



Number 6


            Blogs, are the best thing to ever come into this world since the light bulb- and that could never be as entertaining as the BLOG.  I guess that’s sounds a little funny and obnoxious, it probably has many thinking ‘Is blogging really that fun?’- Well that matters on the person.  But it is true, blogs have mixed in the waves of pop culture, and it’s still floating on top along with online profiles.  I personally enjoy writing on my livejournal, myspace, and personal website; it’s just a fun pastime.  I guess it’s the idea of expressing ones self and having people read and respond to your posts that makes it fun and exciting.  Blogs have been around for many years- but I think that it’s been kind of on the down low, because people where too caught up in chat rooms doing god knows what with god knows who- I’m only joking- people don’t always do bad things in chat rooms.  And so now- blogs is a way to be heard all around world.

            Music, movies, books and other things will always infest pop culture with their strange ways of being ‘cool’.  But when something knew comes a long that involves a huge group of people- does that belong up there with pop culture? Well of course it does!  Chat-rooms brought controversy to the world- but it’s still a teen-pop pastime- along as a new way to meet and date people.  And you think people would start getting scared of the idea that their kids might be meeting up with people who are not who they say they are- but hey their kids are lying too.  So from chat rooms to blogs things have changed.  And the reason for that is- blogs can be a controlled subject area, and that leaves little for the imagination.  More people enjoy the fact of having people read about what they do in a day, it makes them feel like their important.  I strongly believe that why people like to go online and post up their blogs.  Even if I do the same- I post up things like art pieced and stories.  However, most blogs are being used a public diaries.

            Since another famous site ‘’ and its sister site ‘’ came up on the map billions of years ago, people have been re-writing stories from films or book and posting up on those sites or on their- yes you guessed it- blogs.  Blogs have just tuned into an anything goes type of thing for people all over the world.  Just a few years back officially joined the myspace family.  And by this movement, many Japanese bands became even more famous in the United States, and began to join US tours with American bands.  I know this because I listen to a lot of Japanese music.  The blogs that the bands posted up on their myspace became a strong feed of fanatic goodness to their devoted fans.  So, I think the future of blogs on myspace and livejournal only go father up from here and on.

            But the entertainment business and everyday people are not the only ones that get their use off of posting up blogs.  You can find a blog either about- of by anyone.  Blogs have turned into something of its own in the world wide web, mostly because it has finally turned into a stand alone entertainment source for both celebrities, politicians, teachers, students, and just plain people (I hope that doesn’t sound bad).


final essay part 1

Tanya Orozco



Teach Climate Change-essay


            In the article, ‘Teach Climate Change’ by Wagner and Gorski, it talks about the reasons why global changes should be taught in class.  And it has become necessary to teach the future generations about this huge problem that can affect their lifestyle in the future.  The writers explain that since global warming is no longer being debated, because a huge majority does agree, and because of this huge issue regarding the future of planet earth and how everyone should be more knowledgeable in this matter.  They also make the point on how to make this information more interesting and fun.  Because of the lack of the interest teenagers have in science, if they wanted to properly teach the subject and get the students to soak up the information by making it fascinating in the science classes, because science is the perfect subject to get people thinking more about the planet- and it helps us figure out more about the planet so that we can understand what we can do to stop the damages being done to the planet.

            The reason why it would become necessary for the education about the subject of environmental science to the future generations of our time is the fact that global warming is not long being debated and it should be tough to the students so they are aware of what happening to their home- because this planet is theirs too.  The more information they conceive on the matter, the better they can understand it. And they can also understand how it will affect them.  They might have to give up many of their resources that they are very comfortable with, just so they stop damage that is being caused to the earth and that they can continue living their lives- maybe not the same as before but they’ll still be living.  So, by teaching this to students in high school now, it can jump start the awareness on the subject matter- and maybe it will even sprout out a couple of bright kids that will devote their life to study it and gather more information on it. 

            However, what about the process that should be thought about so that the subject matter is taught properly to the students?  I remember being in high school and thinking about how interesting environmental studies were- but not all teenagers are like this.  So how can this subject be more interesting for the students?  Would there be the need for flashy sound effects on the huge projector screen?  Probably, since television has turned into the top professor of the world- it would be best to make a highly informative educational video on global warming.  No matter how bad that sounds, it’s the truth- most students rather have a video day then read out of a huge text, but then again there are some who are unlike their peers, they enjoy reading.  But that’s turned into a minority, and the majority are a bunch of television watching beach kids.

What can I do about…

The environment has been cut and bruised ever since man learned how to crawl. How can this change into a positive? The problem is the earth is like a gallon of milk- eventually is will expire and it will no longer support life. However, there are ways to help it last a little longer- if we were to throughly educate children and adults about different types of behaviors to help protect the environment from human waste and other damages that are done by us- because we should be pointing the finger at ourselves- we can understand all the problems we have with keeping the planet healthy and strong we would be able to come up with a strong and powerful plan to diminish some if not all. I bet some may be thinking- ah the guilt of humanity- lets add something else to the list. I, who was once a catholic, have learned how to own my guilt and understand that I am someone to blame.

So, basically to come up with some sort of education system such as a environment class that would educate and have people more involved in the subject.

Monkey Wrench: Thesis

Tanya OrozcoThe Monkey Wrench Gang


How far will some go to prove a point? Pretty far, according to the book “The Monkey Wrench Gang”, written by Edward Abbey.  Abbey was known for being an activist for the environment and criticized public land polices. In this book however, Abbey felt it necessary to write about four ugly men and one gorgeous woman who have chosen to fight the destruction of nature by destroying human architecture- I don’t know if I should judge him for this outrageous book.  Silly and annoying the attitude for this novel seems to be extremely masculine and hypocritical.  The character build is interesting yet- for the lack of a better word- lame.   However, all insults aside, the book is somewhat interesting- if you enjoy drunken’ men talk about how they dislike things in their country and plan up boy scout missions to make a statement loud enough to be heard.(More later in my blog) L

Monkey Wrench: Response

Response to the novel ‘The Monkey Wrench Gang’ by Edward Abbey


As I was reading the first couple of chapter of this novel I began to think how hypercritical and masculine it is.  Reading the quick summery on the back of the book overly justifies the story, makes it seem as if this book is a bible for extreme activist.  However to me it seems to be a fantasy for the writer, something that would be said with harsh angry words.  I thought as I read ‘Is this really how people think?’ do they feel like people are truly messing with how beautiful nature is?  And I was angry when one of the characters defends his right to dump beer cans on the side of a road.  In the end the book so far hasn’t raised any serious questions for me.  I just take it like it is a fiction novel about a bunch of people who think their right.

So sick

I feel really sick today!  Im fighting the soreness all over my body… wont make it to Mondays class… someone send me info about todays class… please and thank-you…


Tittle says it all-

How was Easter for everyone?  I went to church- I really don’t have faith or follow my parents Catholic religion but I still went out of respect for them.  After church we had a small party.  When I was younger I would hunt for eggs without really understanding why Easter had a egg hunt.  But this Easter, I was hiding some eggs and began to wonder what it had to do with the original meaning of this day.  Nothing.  Easter is about the Resurrection or Christ- I don’t think he said “Let those who love me find me in a shape of an egg.” But perhaps he should of said that- along with the divinity of chocolates.

book group Monkey Wrench Gang

Already began to read it its pretty interesting.  the begining is really boring for me, but uh its getting good on chapter 7…. anyone else began reading?

bibliography help

go to and then click on mla and then to more then one book.


English is tough. I’m surrounded by people who speak like a 10 year old… well on person is ten… and I get so annoyed when he cant say a sentence properly. But anyways, my strength is drawing. I rather draw out a story then write is out with words. It’s what I do. Ironic that people who do not speak correctly annoy me though… even thought my English is not at all FIVE STARS perfect.